Information about Square Dancing in Western Australia.

Want To Learn More About Square Dancing In WA?   Email: sdswa@outlook.com

Gary Carpenter

  • 1974: Started Square Dancing

    1975: Started Calling

    1975: Attended my 1st National Convention (Melbourne)

    1975: Attended 1st NSW State Convention, Calling in Junior Hall.

    1976: Callers School with Brian Hotchkies

    1977: Started Club Calling Sharing Spatiores with David Cox

    1979: Started Carpenter & Co Square Dance Club at Tuggerah calling solo

    1980: Married to Jenny

    1980: Co-Convenor of State Convention with David Cox & Jeremy Weedon

    1982: 1st Call at a National Convention at Brisbane

    1987: 1st Daughter Larissa Born

    1988: Elected President of NSW Square Dance Callers Association

    1989: 2nd Daughter Tarla Born

    1990: Convenor NSW State Convention

    1990: Attended 1st MiniLab in Australia (Gold Coast)

    1994: Attended 1st Australian Caller Cuer Conference (ACT)

    1995: Program Manager National Convention Sydney

    1998: Attended 2nd MiniLab (Adelaide)

    2006: Coordinator ACF Caller’s Conference (Toukley)

    2008: Attended & Presented at 3rd MiniLab (Gold Coast)

    2009: Carpenter & Co Celebrates 30 Years of Operation with a Weekend at Riverwood Downs

    2011: Attended 1st National Convention to be held in Darwin

    2012 Attended ACF Caller’s Conference (Hobart)

    2016 Attended ACF Caller Cuer Conference (Mooloolaba)

    2016 Convenor NSW State Convention

    National Conventions Attended: 32 (as of 2017)


    Favourite Food  –  HOT Curry & Chilli Dishes

    Favourite Colour –  Green but I wear more Blue

    Favourite Sports Star  – Steve Waugh

    Favourite Singer – Stevie Nicks

    Favourite TV Show  – Star Trek

    Favourite Movie –  Note Book

    Hobbies – Other than Square Dancing… Trying to keep my wife happy.. And Travel.

    Pet Hates – People whose level of incompetence mean they shouldn’t have Driving Licenses

    Highlights of Your Calling Career – Program Manager at 1995 National

    Convenor of 1990 & 2016 State Conventions

    Funniest Experience – Watching Howard Cockburn & Paul Bristow trade jokes at the 1994 ACF Caller Cuer Conference.

    Most Random Encounters – Bumping into Paul & Marina Long in Stirling Ranges National Park post 1993 National in WA.  Bumping into Paul and Marina Long at Patong Beach in Phuket in 2011.

    I Love being a Grandfather, the current count being 5 Grandsons.